Sunday, June 6, 2010

Continuously Learning

Multiple times in this past week alone I have heard the phrase "Leaders are Readers" or another version "Leaders are Learners".... These sayings say something important about growing and becoming a leader, it's not to say that just by reading, or learning, you will be a leader, but it is nearly certain that if you don't do these things... you wont be a leader. So, that's pretty interesting, because not only have I read that in a book about leadership this week, but I heard it in a Wednesday night event- from a senior who just graduated high school, but also from a middle school pastor and the female middle school leader. So, really, it is good that I'm going to seminary- to continue my learning! ha anyway- that was my random thought for the day.

I don't know if you know this, but I'm nervous about moving to Oregon in August. I'm afraid that I wont make it, that I wont be able to fit in, to make good friends, and I'll feel lonely a lot. And thinking about this sometimes makes me worry about leaving everyone here... family and friends and such... and sometimes when I worry like that, I can easily just make myself feel so busy that I don't allow myself to have the time to be with said friends and family... and well, its just crazy to be honest. Anyway- I totally lost my train of though there for a while... ha- so I was hanging out with a friend the other day, and talking about how it might be the last time we get to see each other for maybe 2 or even 3 years... and it was like- woah. But then he said something that stuck with me- in conversation with a friend of his he said "we're just going to hang out, enjoy life together while we can" (or well something along those lines) and then I was just like... oh my goodness... how could I just forget that? My job, my goal right now is just to enjoy life with those I can- those right in front of me. Just another example of how I am continuously learning. Praise the Lord.

In His Glory.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So I'm currently reading this book for my summer internship, called Leadership Essenials for Children's Ministry. The first section is about Passion, why it's important, some ways it has been "poisened" and how to produce a healthy passion. Something that has really gotten to me about this first section is the passion "poiseners" which include : Familiarity; Coolness; Uncertainty; Rambling; and Hardness. The biggest hit to my stance was "uncertainty" - now to be honest, these were not the best names for the topic he describes, but whatever. Anyway, he talks about being unfocused, in our ministry and in our life. If you are certain, then you should be focused and thus passionate about your ministry! (My paraphrasing)
I highighted these words that really hit me: "Without focus, there's no reason to get up in the morning. It's just another 9-5 day, or another Sunday.... Our focus is extremely important; if we have nothing to live for, it really doesn't matter how long our lives are. so we have to choose... to say "my focus is here.."

It just... I don't know, it hit me in a way that sort of shook me... have I been unfocused for so long? Is that why I never want to get up in the morning, even when Ive gotten great amounts of sleep consistently? Have I allowed myself to just drift off into this limbo area where I don't really know what I am doing, I'm just going about my duties? I don't want to live this way... and neither should you!! How do we fix it? Well, I'm not sure... get focused...? I'll let you know as I read further :)

in Him